– Pitch 01 (marketing superhero – PDFs suck)

Engage & Convert
Like a Content Marketing Superhero

KinetiZine is the most powerful way to present your digital docs and benefit from true content marketing automation at the same time.

Provide Sales With
The Easiest Leads To Close.

55 % More Engaged
40 % Higher Conversions
10 X Quality Leads

We transform digital docs from static to kinetic so you can
Engage More.  Convert Quicker.  Measure Success.

75 %
Leading Marketers

Seventy five percent of leading marketers claim Lead Generation, Sales, and Brand Awareness are their top content marketing goals.

To achieve all three use KDFs instead of PDFs.

The Content Marketer's Dilemma

To get brand awareness, content needs to be easily accessible.

To be accessible, you need to build trust before presenting the opt-in.

To generate sales, you need the opt-in to nurture your best leads.

To repeat, you need to identify your most effective content.


Kinetic Documents Can Help You

Start Conversations

Engage More

Transform static documents into interactive memorable moments. Learn More

Be Responsive

Broaden your reach. Provide instant access to your content on all devices. Ensure your audience gets what they want and measure their engagement at the same time to know what's working.

Discover the secret to generating awareness with your content offers without sacrificing lead gen.

Get More Quality Leads

Convert Quicker

Deliver value first to build trust so that when you ask for the opt-in, you get quality leads. Place access gates & CTAs to convert directly within your digital docs. Discover How

ID Decision Makers

Track user behavior on each page to identify your best prospects and nurture them along the buyer journey. Learn More

The highest converting marketing offers are presented as digital docs. Getting started is easy...

Identify Your Most Effective Content

Measure Success

Identify the content responsible for conversions. Know when your document has been accessed or shared, and with whom.
Learn More

Continue The Conversation

Know what content your viewer engages with so you can continue the conversation covering topics they care about.

Are you tracking the metrics that matter?

What is KinetiZine

A Content Marketing Service That Transforms Digital Docs From Static To Kinetic

Turn boring, static content into memorable, interactive experiences so that people engage longer & convert quicker.

Docs That Engage & Convert

KinetiZine transforms static PDFs into interactive, KDFs complete with in-doc lead capture.

Full Document Control

KDFs offer you parameters to control how your digital docs are accessed, consumed and shared.

Actionable Analytics

Know who engages, what pages they viewed, and for how long to identify your best prospects.

KDFs are 10x more powerful than PDFs

KDF Features

The Easy Way To Turn Docs into Lead Magnets

Digital Storytelling

With KinetiZine, storytelling comes to life. Use a wide variety of media, including audio, slide-decks, videos, images, surveys, and polls. KDFs bring your content to life so you can capture your readers’ imaginations and deepen brand loyalty through engaging content.

No Downloads

KDFs are fast loading, web based documents that deliver instant gratification so your audience can consume your content on any device with just one click.

Convenient & Compelling

Give your readers a better UX by including interactive elements, like embedded videos, animations, and pop-up light boxes so prospects can access the content they need in one convenient location to keep them moving along the buyer journey.

Instant Access

Give your audience instant access to your document before you ask them to opt-in. KDFs can automatically trigger an opt-in gate on any page within your document. Remove obstacles whenever possible.

Direct Page Linking

KDFs are the best way to continue a conversation from any touchpoint. You can even set your KDF link to lead prospects to a specific page in your document to improve relevancy and reduce bounce rate.

Keyword Search

Give prospects the ability to quickly find the content they seek within your docs. Each KDF is equipped with keyword search so your prospects quickly find the content they care about.

In-Doc Conversions

Eliminate barriers to brand engagement and remove conversion obstacles with in-doc lead capture & CTAs. Place a Call To Action on any page in your doc & guide prospects toward a purchasing decision. Include an access gate to trigger an in-doc opt-in to deliver value first, then convert at the moment of interest.

Deliver Qualified Leads

KDFs are as measurable and trackable as any web page. Create multiple links per document to track individual prospect behavior. Gain insight to know who cares and what they care about and even identify internal stakeholders. KDFs are ideally suited for qualifing leads before passing them to sales.

Seamless Integration

KDFs are designed to integrate with and enhance your favorite CRMs and marketing automation platforms so you can trigger relevant worksflows, nurture prospects, and convert leads quicker than ever.

Built for people who keep conversations going...

Our Clients and Partners Share Their Views

  Bob KillianFounder, CCO Killian Branding

Response rate doubled...
The technology behind KinetiZine allowed us to insert video, audio, animation, pop-ups & CTAs into our collateral. Measuring engagement is not only addictive, it's powerful stuff.

 Shaya KlechevskyOps. Director, Lousch NYC

Exceptional and exciting...
Our experience with BoxOnline (creators of KinetiZine) has been exceptional, exciting and profitable and we hope to continue on this path.

  Roland ImbodenDirector, Porsche Zentrum

We generated new leads...
Using KinetiZine and marketing automation, we generated solid business leads. All we needed to do was send our PDF to BoxOnline each month. They brought our Porsche Times magazine to life with sound, video, & got the phones to ring.

3 Steps To Turn Static Content Into Effective Conversation Starters.


Upload PDFs

Create irresistibly delicious lead magnets, freemiums, & marketing offers that your audience will love.


Add Emotion

Let's talk about adding interactive elements that inspire and engage your audience.



We'll give you unique tracking links to share so you can reach your audience anywhere.

Getting Started Is Easy

Sign up for free

All you need is your email address and a PDF to get started. As long as your PDF adds value to your audience, you're all set. No upfront costs.

Upload your content

Simply upload your PDF, videos, slides, and other media to our cloud servers to transform them into interactive super high converting KinetiZines.

Annotate your PDF

Interactive content creates extraordinary user experiences. Bring your document to life with video, polls, animations & more. Simply mark up hotspots and we'll take care of the rest.

Review and approve

Depending on the complexity, number of pages and your special requests, you can expect to receive the KinetiZine within a few business days.

Take it further

Take your content marketing to the next level with in-doc opt-in forms, doc tracking, & rulesets to personalize & automate your content marketing.

Monitor & improve

Monitor user behavior within your docs to gain insight on your best prospects while you update your content to convert even better.

We built this incredible technology for ourselves. It has boosted conversions through the roof for many of our content marketing programs but, don't just take our word for it, feel free to test it out today.

Built for people who keep conversations going...

A Service You Can't Live Without.

We believe your digital documents can deliver incredible, interactive experiences, identify high quality prospects, & reveal your most effective content.

Why Work With Us?

We understand that you need to make tough decisions to grow your business. Should you in-source or outsource? How much can you invest? Will it help you hit your ROI targets? Our solutions sit at the intersection of Marketing, Technology, & Strategy and were built for situations like this. We have always been Customer centric and each of our team members were hired because they possess a genuine desire to help clients like you. Our team is well-informed, innovative, passionate, and focused on growing your business.

Backed by a decade of experience building over a thousand Apps, our technical geniuses came up with a way to transform your documents into responsive web Apps aka KDFs which help you reach & engage your audience, identify true prospects by their user behavior, and reveal the content that works best with your audience.

"KinetiZine is a storyteller's top choice for massive conversions."

See How Marketers Use KinetiZine

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We've made it our mission to help you grow your business by focusing on the digital marketing objectives that matter most.