– Pitch 09 (become a lead gen superhero)

Want To Be A Lead Generation Superhero?

Accelerate customer acquisition through intelligent content marketing.

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With An Incredibly Fresh Document Format That Boosts Inbound Marketing Effectiveness

We believe content offers should increase brand awareness, identify high quality leads, and reveal your most effective content. We achieve this for our clients by turning static documents into interactive marketing moments reaching & engaging your prospects on any device.

This New Format Lets You

Save Time

How much time would it save you if you didn't have to create landing pages or opt-in forms for each of your downloadable offers?

Reduce Stress

Your workload just got lighter! Using the right tools can help you automate marketing processes and simplify your job in numerous ways.

Become a Hero

Be an indispensable resource for your sales team by generating high quality leads with your content marketing offers.

The Problem Is...

To get brand awareness, content needs to be easily accessible.

To generate sales, you need to identify quality leads and nurture them.

To generate leads, opt-in gates are required.

To repeat the process, you must identify your most effective content.

What We Can Do For Your Brand


Generate Awareness

Engage Better

Transform static documents into interactive memorable moments. Learn More

Be Responsive

Broaden your reach. Provide instant access to all your content seamlessly on all devices.

Discover the secret to generating awareness with your content offers without sacrificing lead gen.

Get More Qualified Leads

Convert Quicker

Deliver value first before you ask for the opt-in. Place access gates & CTAs inside the pages of your downloadable marketing offers. Discover How

ID Decision Makers

Track user behavior on each page to identify your best prospects and nurture them along the buyer journey. Learn More

Discover the secret to generating awareness with your content offers without sacrificing lead gen.


Identify Your Most Effective Content

Measure Success

Know which metrics to track and which to ignore. Know when your document has been accessed or shared, and with whom.

Continue The Conversation

Know what content your viewer engages with so you can continue the conversation covering topics they care about.

Get your print ready tip sheet on Metrics That Matter.

What Our Clients Say...

How To Turn Static Content Into Effective Conversation Starters.


Take your amazing piece of content that your audience will love and upload it into the cloud.


Annotate your downloadable pages and let us know where you'd like interactive elements to be added.


Once you get a tracking link from us, distribute it effectively to your target audience.

What You Get

  • A Done-For-You Service that transforms your marketing offers into an interactive and measurable format.
  • A format that integrates with your marketing automation and CRM tools to increase lead nurturing, conversion, and sales.
  • Insight on viewer behavior via access to a customized dashboard.
  • Unlimited interactive elements (video, audio, CTAs, lightboxes, access gates, pop-up light boxes)
  • Unlimited campaign tracking.
  • Access Gates
  • Custom designed UI
  • Custom URL

Ready To Get Started?

We Strive To Improve Your Bottom Line

We've made it our mission to help you grow your business by focusing on the digital marketing objectives that matter most.

Brand Awareness

Improve brand awareness by offering valuable, relevant content without barriers. Distribute & track purposeful, engaging stories.


Offer help before asking prospects to jump through hoops. Ultimately, your content marketing program needs to lead prospects toward conversion.

Customer Retention

It's easier to lose a customer than to gain one. Consider using lead magnets, activator offers, upsells and cross sells to encourage deeper commitment.

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How We Do it

Backed by a decade of experience building 1000+ Apps, we transform your content into a responsive web app called a KinetiZine which helps you reach & engage your audience, identify true prospects by their user behavior and let you know which content is working.


How well do you know your customer? Developing personas based on social data, matching content themes and types, along with understanding the best place and time to connect are key to reaching qualified prospects.


Are you creating content with a purpose? Content activity for activity-sake has proven to be less successful. Knowing what content is relevant to your customers is huge. The right copy, tone, and content type can make all the difference.


How calibrated is your content creation? Knowing which channel, what content and when to post can have a big impact on the success of your program. Developing an editorial calendar and queing the release of content are essential.


Are you responding well to online consumers? Knowing how to respond to positive and negative feedback is critical to managing your brand and fostering an audience. It also presents a great opportunity to grow.


Have you leveraged media buys and other promotions to get more out of your content? It's not always enough to create and post great content that sells. With a small budget, well-placed ads along with other strategic promotions can improve results.


Are you receiving ROI data that matters and making good decision with it? Knowing what data points to look for and how to use them for good decision-making is not always easy. Calibrating your content marketing plan to optimize results is both art and science.

Why Work With Us?

We undertand that you're trying to make tough decisions on how to grow you business. Should you insource or outsource? How much can you budget? Our solutions and team are built for this complexity and we have a genuine desire to help. Our team is well-informed, innovative, passionate, enthusiastic and focused on what matters. Each member is specialized in their craft to help expand brands online.

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