Turn OLD Pages Viewed into Deal Flow

You're distributing content... Now get some insight!

Precise Targeting

Shift from guesswork to certainty when assessing investment opportunities.

Rapid Insight

Shift from broadcasting to interaction to reveal relevant needs faster.

Deeper Connections

Improve your relationships by focusing on your account's hidden concerns.

Engage with your prospects precisely when it matters most—every request for information is a golden opportunity to gather crucial insights.

Investment firm Partners come to us because often they're chasing too many dead-end opportunities and find themselves struggling to pinpoint topics that truly resonate with their clients. With Kinetizine INSIGHTS you get early-warning signals before that happens.





Winning more often

Curious to know how to reduce the high cost of responding to RFIs. Three of the top 12 global consulting firms worked with us to increase their win rate by an average of 42% in just 4 months. Worth learning more about?

Navigating in the dark? 

Which clients are most challenged by TOPIC X? Unknown...

Struggling to pinpoint topics that resonate?

Uncertain about the optimal follow-up timing?

and most of all...

Have they reached a decision to proceed?

Gaining strategic insight on prospects is hard, especially when it's not publicly available.

What Kinetizine Delivers

Shorter Cycles

Accelerate deals with targeted insights and turn concepts into deals faster than ever. Ensure that every client activity resonates by delivering exactly what they want to see and hear from you.

Quality Deals

Stop wasting time chasing dead-ends. Focus on the best opportunities and maximize your chances of success by ensuring that every opportunity is pre-qualified.

Better Insight

Make every message count with marketing and sales powered by insight-driven precision. Deliver content that is relevant, informed, insightful, and impactful.

Deeper Connections 

Foster stronger relationships by showing prospects that you truly understand what their success looks like. Show your clients that they're partners, not simply transactions.


Customers served! 1 % service Uptime
Customers served! 1 Integrations

Improving your prospects without wasting time

Here’s what people are saying about our service


Kinetizine Helps Me Identify...

which deals to pursue, which people to call, and what questions to ask to be better prepared for my next business conversation.

Owen McGinty
Senior Sales Executive


Kinetizine Gives Me Two Key Insights...

it shows me the topics clients find relevant and their reactions to key questions. This is incredibly valuable. Worth every penny.

Andrew Miller
Executive Partner


My Sales Process Is More Efficient...

By only engaging my top tier prospects, I didn't waste the time I normally would have chasing down worthless leads.



Kinetizine Helps Me Build Trust Faster...

I was able to build trust faster by knowing their core concerns at the outset. 

ROland Imboden


Kinetizine Shortened my Sales Cycle by 3 weeks...

Kinetizine helped me confirm where my clients were in the buyer's journey, so I now focus more of my time on the key issues they experience in their particular phase of the buyer journey.



Kinetizine Helps Me Focus On the Right Opportunities...

It tells us where we should spend our time, which people, what regions, and which topics. We don't get that kind of insight from any other data source. It's our favorite prospecting rocket ship.

Partner & Executive Chair

Kinetizine is a Prospect Intelligence Platform helping you build deeper connections and shorten sales cycles by revealing your prospect's true challenges, interests, and aspirations.

Kinetizine in Action

Slides Worth Sharing

What Sharing Looks Like

An Explanation


What is a KDF?

KDF stands for Knowledge Development Framework. It's an intel-driven framework designed to gain unparalleled insight into your prospects' impressions of your product or service. In simpler terms, it's a fancy way of saying that KDFs help you understand what your prospects really think about your offering. By transforming static PDFs into interactive and dynamic micro-sites, Kinetizine's KDFs allow you to engage with your audience in a whole new way. You can add layers of interactivity, track user engagement, and gain deeper insights into their preferences. It's like having a crystal ball to understand your prospects' minds. Kinetizine is a NO CODE platform so, you can relax while we handle the heavy lifting.

How does it work?

Kinetizine works by utilizing its proprietary Knowledge Development Framework (KDF). This intel-driven framework allows you to gain unparalleled insight into your prospects' impressions of your product or service. It's like having a secret decoder ring that helps you understand what makes your prospects tick. So, with Kinetizine, you can ask the right questions, get the right answers, and make informed decisions. It's a game-changer.

What is CYOA and what can it do for me?

CYOA stands for Choose Your Own Adventure. With CYOA, you can create a captivating interactive experience for your recipients. They get to choose their own path through your content, like a real-life adventure! It's like being the director of your own movie, but without the fancy cameras and big budgets. You can ask engaging questions, present different options, and guide your recipients to the most relevant information for them. It's a fantastic way to understand their needs and preferences while keeping them engaged. So, grab your virtual compass and let's embark on a thrilling CYOA journey together!

How do I share a KDF?

Sharing a KDF is as easy as pie. All you need to do is create a LaserLINK URL for your KDF and share it with your desired recipients. This is done within the Kinetizine service. We handle all the heavy lifting so that you can send your LaserLINX via email, social media, carrier pigeon (if you're feeling adventurous), or any other means of communication. The beauty of LaserLINX is that it allows you to securely share your KDF while retaining complete control over your information. So, go ahead and spread your message far and wide!

What are my prospect's top priorities?

Understanding your prospects' top priorities is crucial for success. Each prospect is unique, but some common priorities might include cost-effectiveness, efficiency, or innovation. The key is to listen, ask the right questions, and tailor your approach to meet their needs. Remember, it's all about building meaningful, deep connections and showing them how your product or service can make their lives better. So, put on your detective hat, grab Kinetizine and get ready to uncover those top priorities at scale like a pro!